Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ha ha (in my best Nelson from the Simpsons voice)

ok, the article itself isnt amusing, its sad actually, but there is a blurb in there about Dasani drinking water that cracks me UP....my hubby and I have long teased people about how they wont drink tap water b/c they think BOTTLED water is so much better for you (hubby works for the EPA and he told me years ago that the EPA doesnt regulate bottled water at all...its regulated, dont get me wrong, but the EPA tests our reservoirs and our drinking water but not bottled water).

So even though I buy bottled water to keep in the car for the kids, I drink from the tap mostly.

So when I read this article this morning, it just made me chuckle in an ironic sort of way...heres the blurb:

****Another "award" went to drinks giant Coca-Cola for pushing marketing "into the realms of the ridiculous" in the United States and South America with its Dasani bottled water which is sourced from the same reservoirs as local tap water.****

Heres the article, which like I said, isnt funny...


1 comment:

Kimberly Hill said...

Hey! Leave me and my Dasani alone. It's that softly tinted blue bottle that does me in every time. mmmmm...

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