Saturday, November 03, 2007

My Evening with Anne Geddes

First off, let me say that unlike my Annie Leibovitz post earlier this year, I *adore* Anne Geddes and when hubby threw the paper on my head while I lay sleeping last weekend with the blurb that AG was coming here to Kansas City...let's just say excited was an understatement.

I was *so* nervous about the possibility of meeting the woman that I wrote her a note beforehand, in case my brain froze up and I was unable to speak (yeah, I know, not usually an issue for me at all). My friends Teresa and Margaret made me give her the note even though I spoke just fine....I think AG and her hubby were a little surprised, b/c AG didnt quite know what to think when I handed her an envelope. Maybe a stranger thrusting an unknown package at a MAJOR celebrity wasnt the BEST idea in hundsight. I'm thrilled at the idea that she read something I wrote and may (perhaps?) might one day visit my site. I'd probably die if she liked my work.

Anyway, her new book, Labor of Love is GORGEOUS and looks fabulous on my shelf with her other books. She was so gracious and dignified, charming and amusing....I hoped for a longer interview, but I understand, celebs cant all sit around charming me all night!

I had my book signed, we chatted about my boys (AG's hubby Kel noticed my handbag!) and she was so gracious that she was posing for of course I had to get one....this is one of my most prized images now....and she shook MY hand! I dont know why, but she did, and that was SUCH BIG STUFF for me!

Anyway, if you have the chance, pick up the book (and her 2008 calendars are DARLING), and go see her in person...she's adorable.


Anonymous said...

You Rock! Don't wash the hand.

Kimberly Hill said...

You're so cute when you gush! I'm so glad you got your book signed this time.

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