Monday, August 25, 2008

A Simple Plan...

So I saw on You Tube a few days ago a fantastic promo video for a photographer...very well done (if not exactly my type of thing, it was well done). Well, I decided I wanted to do one, too. You know, have a cinematographer follow me around, film me doing some sessions, do some interviews with clients, that kind of thing.

So, I happen to have met a super cool local Cinematographer and Commerical Photographer, Shaun Cloud ( and I want him to do this project with me.

Only one problem: it aint cheap. Not that I dont think its worth it, mind you, but, again, it aint cheap.

So, I came up with a very simple plan....I am asking for 3000 people to each send me one dollar. I promise I will only use it to pay for the video and I will publicly Thank each donor on this blog. I mean, its just a buck....and its for support of the Arts.....and....well, its funny, right??

So, can I have a dollar?? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea Susan, I already sent my part :)
Isis Panellas

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