Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The D. Kids...

OK, we all know I *rarely* photograph school-age kids...and even more rarely photograph *tweens*, so when Mom said she wanted a newborn session with the older ones, I was a little nervous. It isnt b/c I dont like the age...(big confession here, folks)...its b/c they think I'm a dork. Seriously...I mean, a 5 year old, I can con a 5 year old into liking me just by making body-function noises, but this age sees right through me.

So, I was doing the posey-posey sibling shots when Mom (or maybe it was baby's gassy tummy that day) made them crack up! Lucky for me I was ready, b/c I LOVE this sibling shot!! Love it! Its so real!

I am also including one of each gorgeous kid, just to prove that dorky ol' me can photograph a non-toddler...even if its just proving it to myself!

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