Friday, October 06, 2006


Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep is an organization that I hesitated joining. It is a charitable photography project which does Infant Bereavement Photography. I joined a few weeks ago but was not totally sure I would be able to go, if called.

Yesterday I was called to Children's Mercy. These are twins and one is not doing well. He and his brother are on their way back home today, and my thoughts are with them.

Please consider, if you are a photographer, joining NILMDTS ( If you would like to make a donation, please visit the web site and see what you can do.

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1 comment:

JP said...

Thank you for this gift. I sit here three years later after the loss of my son and still these photos take my breath away. You gave me a moment with my boys that was free from fear and the stress of what lay ahead of us. You gave us a few hours to just relish in the joy and love of having newborn babies. I will never be able to thank you enough or explain how your photos can move me to tears over the beauty of my boys. In the photos, I don't notice the wires and tubes that supported my son. I just see him and all of his beauty. You are an amazing person who gave me the greatest gift. You gave me my son to hold when he no longer was in my arms.

Thank you.

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