Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Somone told me

yesterday that I have an "overdeveloped" sense of fairness, and that its because I myself cannot take the easier road in life. Presumably this means that I resent the fact that others arent held back morally by such things.

I think its true. I wish I could allow myself to treat other people the way they sometimes deserve, I wish I could cheat on my taxes so I wouldnt have to write that huge check, I wish I could just do whatever the heck I wanted all the time...

But what does that teach my children? That you can cheat, and if you get away with it, that its OK? Is this what we want our society to fall into being?

I admit that I wish I could take the easier road, I admit that I wish other people played by the same rules that I do. But I cant, and they dont.

Someone told me that I only see things in Black and White, and the real world is just shades of gray. But I DONT see things as Black and White, folks, I see things they way they ARE:

not black and white, but RIGHT AND WRONG.

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