Monday, April 09, 2007

I Love Snapshots!

When I started in this business, I became obsessed (ask my husband!) with “portraitizing” (yes, I made up a word) every event. I never went anywhere without all my gear, 2 camera bodies, lenses, etc. I spent the whole event looking at possible angles, fiddling with my settings, and MISSING the event!

We were on our way to Camp Snoopy one day last summer and I pulled into Target. I told my husband I’d be right back. I went in and bought a point and shoot camera that fits in my pocket.

No more over-accessorizing for me!

I can go anywhere without attracting attention!
I can snap away without thinking too much about it!
I can play soccer with my 3 year old and still get the pictures!
I don’t have the pressure of the “perfect” shot, b/c that won’t happen with that camera!

Now I make it a point to take that little guy everywhere. I get shots at the park, shots at the games, shots at the McDonalds play land, shots at the gym, shots at my parent’s house and shots in my yard.

Celebrate snapshots, fellow photographers! Time slips away so fast, don’t waste too much of it working on the perfect angle!

Some snapshots to share:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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