Monday, October 13, 2008

You Know That "Little Voice"?

That one that tells you, in your head, NOT to do something.....the one that INSISTS that doing something might cause unbearable PAIN....

On Sunday morning, while I was getting ready for my full day of Fall Family Portraits, I ignored that voice...

Even though my friend Teresa was minutes away from my studio and I could have waited...

Even though I KNOW that I cant just dead lift the back off my backless must be "finessed" off, slowly and carefully...

Even though I spent weeks in 2006 on bedrest and going through horribly painful epidural steroid injections b/c of my back...

I still ignored that voice and tried the dead lift.

3 seconds later I was on the floor sweating and about to pass out from the pain.

Dont ever ignore that knows what its talking about.

(and yes, mini sessions went on, but had to cancel my afternoon session with Miss. C. and her family....I couldnt chase the toddler).

Am pretty sore and sad today, but have been moving around and can walk without actually crying out, so its an improvement.


Photography by Sabreena said...

Oh No! I hope you feel better soon....and PLEASE listen to that little voice!

Unknown said...

Hope you are doing better today and didn't do move damage with the session yesterday. Ms. Carley had a great time with you yesterday and you got done before the rain.

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