Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Face of an Angel

I need to first apologize to Baby K's mommy...I have been so behind since being sick for a week, that not only am I behind in FINISHING editing your session, I didnt even do a Sneak Peak like I am SURE I said I would. Yet, she never complains, just waits patiently. A better woman than I am, for sure.

Baby K. wasnt exactly HAPPY to be photographed that sunny morning. Since they were moving the next day out of town, I had Baby K and Mommy and Big Sis over to my (messy) house for their session. I decided that I would use natural light since I have this big beautiful window...well the sun was in and out about every 10 seconds, so the light just kept changing! Drove me crazy! Drove Baby K. crazy, second, nice light, next second, blinding her with a beam like a laser. But, she and I persevered. Well, better than that!

I have lots of Baby K, but this one just sums up baby hood for her hands in her mouth...

I will be done today! I'd promise, but we can probably tell what that is worth this week! ;)

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