Monday, August 28, 2006

Filmtastic Baby!

So I have started to rediscover film....real film, not that junk you buy at WalMart. Hopefully I will be learning darkroom stuff too. The guys at Photographx here in town are going to teach me to develop my own. I guess I'll need to convert that extra basement bathroom to a darkroom. I'm sure hubby will be thrilled.

So I put some film stuff up on the site. The Holga images are my faves...its a weird thing, a Holga. I found this quote about the Holga online and it pretty much sums it up better than I could..."A Holga is a plastic 120 film camera that is cheap, cheap, cheap and built like it. Mine is held together with duct tape, both inside and out. Many people dismiss it as a cheap plastic toy camera, and many others taking fantastic images with it in spite of light leaks and considerable variation from camera to camera in lens quality, shutter speed, and f/stops. Think of the Holga as a rangefinder version of the Kodak Brownie and you won’t be too far off the mark."


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Be seeing ya!

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