Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Beach Vacation: Day Four

Yesterday it rained, so we took the kids to see Wall E (great little movie if you are looking for one for the kids).

Today we did the beach in the morning, the pool in the afternoon, and dinner and the hermit crab place at night...my kids love those hermit crabs. My 4 year old asked if we can get one when we get back to Kansas City...I might not get out of it this year....do they smell bad??

And a couple shot of my boys being goofy....well, being kids...


Anonymous said...

Aw, such brotherly love, LOL! What great memories they will have from this vacation.

Kimberly Hill said...

Yes, they can smell bad. They get big. They pinch. Guess who got to take care of the boys' when they were too scared to do it? ick. I hope Mia never catches onto the whole hermit crab thing!

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