Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ok, I guess its official, I can share....

Last January I was contacted by a woman who was freelancing for a book publishing house in New York. She was collecting info from baby photographers throughout the country about whether they would be interested in being in a coffee table book about babies (all photography and baby quotes, that kind of thing). I said sure, but was cynical about the whole thing. I checked it all out, and yeah, a legit place, publishes real books, etc. So I sent a cd of images and the whole year passed back and forth, getting more details on what they wanted, sending new images, etc.

In November, they requested final images from me for printing. Then the book was printed again b/c the first test print didnt look good, blah blah blah. FINALLY yesterday, I got my contract and so I guess I can offiically announce that I will be published in March!

On some of the book sites, they have different covers, and on one of the them, one of my shots is on the cover, but they change all the time, so they probably havent decided for sure. Anyway, big news for me, I'm uber-excited (even if I'm not on the cover, lol).

Heres a link:, but if your google "the Big Book of Babies", you can pre-order it through Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble, etc.

There are 10 or 11 photographers that were chosen, but I was the only midwest photographer chosen, let alone the only Kansas City photographer! Pretty exciting!!!!

I know, you want to know WHOSE beautiful babies are going to be gracing the shelves of our local bookstores? Here is the list of those chosen by the publisher (i cannot be held responsible if for some reason your child's image doesnt end up in the book after all). I am listing CHILDS FIRST NAME AND LAST NAME INITIAL, then in ( ), Mom's first name.

Emma H. (Tiffany)
Colin B. (Chloe)
Elise (Fkadu)
Haley B. (Lacey)
Isabella D. (Libby)
Mitchell K. (Jennifer)
Molly H. (Kelly)
Zoey H. (Amy)
Sophie N. (Jami)
Elizabeth G. (Toni)
Conley D. (Jennifer)
Liv M. (Venessa)
Garrett F. (Teresa)
Kathryn W. (Jenny)

So there it is, the LIST! I am uber-excited for you all! Your babies in a nationally published book!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Susan! I'm so excited and happy for you. What a way to start out 2008, eh?

Anonymous said...

Susan, What a wonderful accomplishment to your career. This is just the beginning! I can't wait to purchase my book! ~Teresa (Garrett's mom)

Anonymous said...

Very cool!!! and you are very deserving of this honor!!


Dena_Sorensen said...

I CAN'T wait to see it!! Congratulations.

Toni said...

Whoohoo! Way to go Susan! Can't wait for it to come out!

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